We are blessed with a great number of children and view children as being such an important part of our church family.  We provide a wide range of activities for children, working hard to keep things as fresh and as up to date as possible, and we're constantly trying to learn more.  Protection of the children and young people in our care is very important to us, so we have a clearly defined child protection policy.

Regular activities aimed specifically for children include...

BoB creche facilities during our 11.00am morning service. Leave your babies / tots in our creche giving you time to participate in our Worship service.

Our Thrive Programme for children of Primary School age takes place during our 11.00am Sunday Service, including age appropriate groups. 

Tots & Co. group each Monday morning, 10.00 am to 12 noon for parents / carers and toddlers.

Girl's Brigade:  Tinies, Explorers and Junior sections cater for girls from preschool year to Primary 7.  GB is on Monday evenings from 6.30 - 8.00pm.

Boy's Brigade:  Anchor Boys and Junior Sections cater for boys of primary school age.  BB takes place on Friday evenings, 6.30pm - 8.00pm.